View Profile jiggitysmith
I specialize in music but have been known to make a good flash or two.

Age 41, Male


Bachelors Degree


Joined on 1/16/07

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jiggitysmith's News

Posted by jiggitysmith - February 24th, 2008

Update: My web hosting is effed up or something so jiggitysmith.com is temporarily down (don't worry there isn't much there that you haven't already seen).

Update: OMG! I got front page again (with part 3).

Well. I made it out of under judgment this time. Not much else to say right now except see you next weekend for the conclusion.

By the way, just warning you ahead of time: part 6 is mostly the end/credits/tying up loose ends (and therefore part 5 will be liked a lot better). There is more than one ending (no, not choose your own adventure) so I mix up the credits / what happens quite a bit. Well, you'll see.

Just between us, I'ma let you know some of what I plan for the bonus features:

There's going to be an interview with Wilford Brimley and Brimleycat (I have so many quotes I didn't use it's not even funny -- so I made this).

There's going to be an outtakes reel.

Also, a rap music video for the second credits end theme (which is a rap song that I wrote, recorded, etc, from scratch - minus the Eazy E beat).

Posted by jiggitysmith - February 23rd, 2008

Part 4 was submitted and everything was peachy keen. But apparently I write such good material that enough haters submitted it for administrative review (although it doesn't break a single rule and is quite excellent I might add).

Until they clear the matter up and strike down the people who attacked my animation, go watch it on my Deviant art: http://jiggitysmith.deviantart.com/

or you can watch it on my webpage:


I would say sorry for the inconvenience, but I'm not the one who did this.

Update: It's been over 6 hours and I haven't heard anything. The link to it: here still says flagged for review so I guess Wade is out partying this weekend or too busy at the moment. Hopefully I'll wake up tomorrow and find it's all fixed (either that or I'll have to wait a few days). Also, I don't intend to resubmit it because once it's fixed I'll have a duplicate submission and I want to make sure the douchebags who flagged it get their whistle status downgraded.

For the losers who did do this, you are only hurting your own stats and delaying the inevitable. Also, Happycat pretty much sums things up:

Where is part 4 you may ask?

Posted by jiggitysmith - February 22nd, 2008

Well as you may have figured out, I'm no longer front paged, which is sort of sad, but I'm not too worried about it. I have a gut feeling that after this next week goes by (since everyone's been saturated with the lolcats during the first release), I may get front page again with parts 5 or 6.

I dunno though, I may not. I honestly didn't think I was going to get front page at all to be serious.

Anyway. I'm releasing part 4 tomorrow at around 1:30 pm or sometime between 1 and 2 (and there is some good dialogue / events that happen in that one - especially with the monkey butler and a couple new characters that people really seem to enjoy).

It's a shame it's going to end next weekend, but like I said I am working on bonus features and I'm more than likely going to revisit the lolcat universe sometime in the future after I do other projects.

I'm also putting some serious thought into hosting a lolcat-related collab when this is all released (some of the guidelines would be that it has to be original artwork and not done with pictures like how I did. Also, I'm pretty hard to please so I might be a dick about letting in a number of submissions).

Anyway, glad to hear from you guys and if you've noticed, I actually respond to my userpage comments and any mail that I get.

No more front page but it's cool.

Posted by jiggitysmith - February 19th, 2008

You won't be hearing much from me until I release parts 3 and 4 this coming weekend although I will be browsing the comments because it gives me the illusion of importance. Based on the busy times on Newgrounds last weekend, I think I'm going to switch up the times I release the upcoming segments:

Fridays at 8:30 pm (est)
Saturdays at 2-3:00 pm (est)

I will say part 3 is pretty good, but I've already released the best part of it (so a lot of people will be foolishly disappointed). Part 4 really kicks it up a notch near the end where I pull my LoTR parody and the following weekend when I release parts 5 and 6....well let's just say that all the haters will have absolutely nothing to say.

(Yea it sounds egotistical, but you really have no idea just how good it's going to get or how well I end it. Here's a little secret I'll fill you in on: It's going to have more than one ending due to all the loose ends it has to tie up).

In the mean time, here's a screenshot of what the Walrus King is going to look like (take a close look at his medallion).

Thanks to all the fans of the series! You made this completely worth it.

Oh, and to everyone wondering why my alleged poor animating skills has made front page with both parts of my series so far: IT'S BECAUSE THIS IDEA HASN'T BEEN DONE BEFORE...EVER. Do a search for Lolcat on Newgrounds or anywhere for that matter. You won't find anything except an animated gif of Monorail cat or a 20 second clip of Happycat with a pirate hat on (on youtube).

Not only that, but by the time you see part 6, you'll see how much I rocked this idea.

This coming weekend.

Posted by jiggitysmith - February 16th, 2008

Well, now that people might actually check my posts out, I just want to say I can't believe I made front page (especially with the worst segment of the series). Since you took the time to check out my profile, I'm gonna let you in a little bit on parts 3-6 (trying hard not to divulge any plot).

Let's just say that music does get more incorporated into it in parts 3, 5, and 6. There are a LOT more lovable and hillarious characters coming in these coming segments including an *actual celebrity.* It's a politician, but I'm not saying who it is :P (you'll see him in part 5). In part 4 there's going to be a character from a children's PBS show. Which one? You'll have to find out.

Hmmm let's see.... Oh I know. I'll leave you with this tidbit of information:

You will actually hear me rap in two separate instances between parts 3 and 6. One's a cover, and the other's something I made up (although both beats are by a deceased rapper - bonus points if you know which one).


Posted by jiggitysmith - January 20th, 2008

For anyone who cares, I'm working on my biggest project to date and I'm happy to say that it's nearing completion. I don't want to give too much away and when it's nearly done I'll be releasing a trailer for it. Let me just say it's animated in 24 fps and it's so long I had to split it into 4 different parts (each around 5 thousand frames each).

EDIT: 02/03/08 Update, it's going to be 6 parts and I'm working on the 6th right now

Basically, I started this project to help learn flash better (so naturally parts 1 and 2 aren't as good as 3 and 4, but it would basically be one gigantic flash if sync issues didn't arise after you get close to 5000 frames). I will say this much, it gets pretty damned funny.

After this project gets hailed in all of its glory (probably not on NG because the user base here is mostly retards who spam the portal with junk just to piss people off), I might work on a collab.