Not that great but...
I'm totally stealing that idea for fog effects. Kudos to that.
Not that great but...
I'm totally stealing that idea for fog effects. Kudos to that.
Watch Slaughter I (extended) ...there are some more effects like the one with the fog I made in this flash.
that was really simple but entertaining nonetheless. i honestly thought i wasn't ever going to end.
Nice animating
The weird foreign music sucks. But this is EXTREMELY well animated (some of the best i've ever seen). Kudos.
Way to plug your website at EVERY opportune moment
way to plug your website at EVERY opportune moment. Yes it was funny. No it wasn't that funny.
Thank you for pointing this out
Thank you for showing how unoriginal the atmosphere has gotten around here due to rampant gaming/anime fanboyism.
I'm VERY impressed one of your voice actors got the Commando's voice emulated to near-perfection. There's so many good things I could say about this flash, but it's all been said. Also, kudos on the random MacGyver cameo and the AI flaws in the original C&C.
Well i knew why i asked Tomamoto.
Not bad for a topic that's been beaten to death.
Yeah. The idea is about original as toilet paper, but it added a few more to the archive that were pretty funny.
Good point, but ends abruptly
Not bad. The cinematography was pretty good, the point valid, but the ending was at the wrong place. That and it was basically just a collage of photos and idealogy.
Its rated high because it's one-of-a-kind original
The piece as a whole is perfection. The music definately makes it and its rated high not because of the graphics/animation (which were ho-hum), but because the concept hasn't been done before to the best of my knowledge, and not only that - it was done exceedingly well.
Good job! A+ for creativity
I specialize in music but have been known to make a good flash or two.
Age 41, Male
Bachelors Degree
Joined on 1/16/07