Pretty good. Nice writing.
Kind of short and dialogue-heavy, but any good movie needs some time devoted to plot. Also, people tend to get pissy when you release stuff in segments (take it from me).
Oh, and it seems a lot of people on here don't seem to understand that good dialogue is hard to write even if there isn't a punchline every 5 seconds. When people quote movies/TV, you'll find it's usually not a joke they're quoting but more so dialogue taken out of context (ex: Borat, Will Ferrel movies, Steve Carrel in pretty much anything, etc..)
P.S. It appears as though you watched Power Rangers much more than I ever did. I think it took me about a month as a kid to figure out that it followed an exact formula every single time. Mixed into that formula was the promise that things were going to keep changing and get more awesome, but all they ever did was rotate characters to the same plot.