In short, this second installment was way too ambitious and I'd need an incredible amount of funded time that I don't have. I know it's been like uhh 3 years or something, but last year I spent getting married and the other two was unemployment / getting work / etc.
Lol animating is somewhat of a catch-22. When you're young and have countless hours of free time in High School to learn this, you're too impatient / not mentally developed enough to learn it easily, whereas when you become an adult, you can figure it out easier but have no time.
Anyway. I need to clean up a few things and plan on releasing an Episode 1 and more or less all of episode 2 of a possible 4 that will never see the day of light unless signed on somewhere.
I might consider releasing the raw data / flp to any **legitimate** party interested in doing shit with it, but otherwise, I only have time for much smaller projects that I don't feel right starting until I put out the impressive / innovative photo-animation I've already done.